"Commander Manuel Fajardo" School of Medical Sciences


One of 11 institutions which make up part of the Advanced Institute of Medical Sciences in Havana. Contains information about all the departments, a directory of the teaching hospitals, clinics, institutes, related links, and more. There is also list of significant dates in Cuban history as well as a brief biography of Manuel Fajardo, the history of the school, continuing education, conferences and events. There are related links and statistics about the school. Located in Havana.

Alternate Title: La Facultad de Ciencias Médicas "Comandante Manuel Fajardo"
Email Address: webmaster@manfa.sld.cu
Date Of Record Creation: 2006-08-09 09:03:53
Date Of Record Release: 2006-08-09 09:02:08
Date Last Modified: 2011-12-16 09:47:12
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