CEEMA, Center of Energy and Environmental Studies
Contains the members, events, projects, and training. Part of the University of Cienfuegos.
CENATAV: Center of Advanced Technological Applications
"A center focused on the theoretical and applied investigations in the area of pattern recognition and data mining." Contains information about their services, research, publications, news, related...
Center for Studies of Energy Efficiency (CEEFE)
A teaching, research center on energy efficiency located at the School of Mechanical Engineering at the University of the Oriente.
Center of Construction and Tropical Architecture Studies (CECAT)
Contains their objectives, information about development of building materials, documents, faculty resumés, and more.
Center of Energy Efficiency Studies (CEEFE)
Center at the University of the Oriente. Contains information about various areas of research, contact information, the weather in Santiago de Cuba, photos and information about studying at the...
Center of Energy Studies and Environmental Technologies, CETA
Center at the Central University of Las Villas. Contains their mission, members, research groups, services, and postgraduate studies.
Center of Management and Environmental and Technological Services
Contains information about the center, research projects, and related links. From the Isle of Juventud.
Center of Process Engineering Studies CIPRO
Postgraduate studies in the fields of environment, escalation process, and applied biotechnology. Contains publications, news, structure, and research.
Center of Studies of Pattern Recnognition and Data Mining
Research center at the University of the Oriente. Contains the members, prizes and awards, publications, projects, areas of research, collaborators, and thesis produced by center members. Also...
Center of Technological Innovation (CITEC)
Part of the "Marta Abreu" Central University of Las Villas, dedicated to technological innovation. Contains information about their goals and services.
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