Computer and Electronic Youth Club, San Juan y Martínez
From a municipality in Pinar del Río. Contains their objectives, courses, services, and events. There is also information about the community that includes history, education, health, culture,...
Computer Science vs. Silence
Subtitled Work with Disabled People at the Palace of Computers. Contains information and photos of the work being done with the disabled and computers.
Computer Yuth Club, Sandino
For a municipality in Pinar del Río. Contains information about courses, research, staff, history of the club, and related links. There is information about the municipality, images, noteworthy...
Linux Pinar
Part of the Joven Computer Club for Pinar del Río. Contains news, tricks, tutorials, and articles. Also available in English. Searchable.
Palace of Computer and Electronics of Pinar del Río
Contains information about courses, instructors, objectives, history, achievements, services, services, related links, and more.
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