Computer and Electronics Youth Club from Céspedes
Located in a municipality in Camagüey. Also contains information about the club in Estrella, another municipality in the province. Contains news, history, course information, research, the staff,...
Computer and Electronics Youth Club from Esmeralda
From a municipality in Camagüey. Contains information about courses, research, events, related links, and more. There are also historic photos and of the local area as well as regional history....
Computer and Electronics Youth Club from Puerto Príncipe
Located in the municipality of Camagüey. Contains information about the staff, courses, and new items in science and technology. Additionally, there is information about astronomy, ecology, ...
Computer Youth Club Camagüey 2
Branch in the municipality of Camagüey.
Computer Youth Club in Juruquey
Located in the municipality of Camagüey. Contains their history, staff, courses, related links, and more.
Computers and Electronics: Guáimaro
From a municipality in the province of Camagúey. Contains courses, and events. Additionally, there is a history, relevant facts, and culture of the community. Additionally, there is a link to the...
Cubitas Web
Computer and electronic youth clubs in the municipality of Sierra de Cubitas, Camagüey. Contains links to the two branches, news, courses, research, and more. Additionally, there is information...
Florida Youth Club
Contains information about the branches in the municipality in the province of Camagüey, news, technology, related links and more. Utilities are available for downloading.
Jimaguayú Computer and Electronics Youth Club
Contains news, classes, research, local history, and more. From a municipality in Camagüey.
Joven Club Nuevitas
Computer youth club from Nuevitas, Camagüey. Explains what they do, courses offered, and lists who the staff are.
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