Cuban Network of Clinical Pathology
Contains the professional society’s board, research projects of the library, “Ask an Expert”, diagnostic information, and related links.
Cuban Opthalmological Society
Contains information about the society, current issue of their publication Cuban Journal of Ophthalmology, discussion lists, history, related sites and more.
Cuban Society of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology (SCAAIC)
Professional society. Contains the board, their constitution and statutes, history, editorial board, clinical guides for asthma, related links, laboratory values, resources, and more. Searchable.
Cuban Society of Anestesiology and Recovery
Contains information about the society, history, its bylaws, events, education, and more. There are related links.
Cuban Society of Clinical Nutrition
Contains their laws, board, mission,calendar of events,related links, and more.
Cuban Society of Clinical Nutrition
Contains information about the society, their bylaws, board, conferences, products, meetings and conferences, and related links. Editorials are archived back to 2002.
Cuban Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics
A professional organization. Contains a list of members, statistics about senior citizens, events and seminars, and products to assist in the care of the aged. Provides information about the...
Cuban Society of Nursing
A non-governmental organization. There is information about the society, online nursing books, recent history, board members, events, courses, prizes, and more. Contains related links. Searchable.
Cuban Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Contains information about the society, their bylaws, branches, sections, board members, events, related links, articles, and more. Also available in English.
Cuban Society of Pediatrics
Professional society of pediatricians. Contains a list of the provincial chapter presidents as well as their history.
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