Estrella Rey Betancourt
Winner of the 1996 National Prize in the Social Sciences of Cuba. Contains her biography, bibliography, criticism, and a photo gallery.
Carlos Rafael Rodríguez
Winner of the 1995 National Prize in the Social Sciences of Cuba. Contains his biography, bibliography, excerpts of his work, opinions, and photographs.
Center for Exchange and Reference about Community Initiatives
Non-profit organization connected with the Union of Writers and Artists working on projects of social development that contribute to raising the quality of life.
Center for the Studies of Martí
Describes some of the work the center does.
Center of European Studies
Non-governmental organization. Also available in English.
Child Abuse Prevention
Contains information about the site, news, publications, articles, rights of the child, indicators and more.
Cuban Philosophy and Thought Portal
Full text of the writings of José Martí, Che Guevara, and many other classic Cuban authors from the 19th and 20th centuries as well as historic documents and contemporary thinkers, Marxist...
Draft of the Economic and Social Policy
Current discussion by workers and the population in general of what will be presented to the upcoming VI congress of the Communist Party.
Eduardo Torres Cuevas
Winner of the 1995 National Prize in the Social Sciences of Cuba. Contains his biography, bibliography, interviews, excerpts of his work, opinions and photographs.
Fourteenth Non-Aligned Movement Summit
Information and speeches from the opening, different segments, news and articles, photos, a list of member countries, history, press releases, interviews, and more. The handbook is available as well...
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