Cuban Research Institute of Sugar Cane By-products
Contains recent history, areas of research, services, publications, products, and more. Also available in English.
Cultivation of Potatoes
Information about potato cultivation. Includes its origins, an article about its value, and links to related groups in Latin America.
Experimental Rice Station
Contains their mission, work, and services. Located in Camagüey.
From Seed to Smoke: Black Tobacco in Pinar del Río
Contains a brief history of tobacco, the varieties grown in Cuba and its characteristics, soil preparation, cultivation and other factors in its growth. Additionally, there is information about...
Functional Ecological Juices
Contains many articles related to juice production.
About Cuban agriculture. Contains an announcement for the 2010 conference on organic and sustainable agriculture, the organization, related statutes, provincial chapters, and related links. The...
Info@gto: Informative Portal of ACTAF at the service of Cuban Agriculture
There is information about ACTAF, the association of forestry and agricultural technicians. Contains a digital library, weather forecast, news, experiences on the implementation of methods for the...
Innovative Agricultural Program
Chapter from Pinar del Río of the community gardens program. Contains information about who they are, what they do, related links, images, and more. Searchable.
Innovative Local Agricultural Program
Community agricultural program. Contains news, objectives, areas of interest, and related links. A division of the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences. Searchable.
Institute of Animal Science
Development and production of agricultural industries. There is information about research, events, products, and services. Also available in English.
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