"Dionisio Sáenz" University Polyclinic
Polyclinic in the community of Aguacate, in the municipality of Madruga. Contains their services, teaching, research, news and more.
"Mártires del Corynthia" Teaching Polyclinic
Polyclinic located in Vedado. Contains news, related links, services, research, program, medical conditions, telephone directory, and much more.
"Plaza de la Revolucion" University Polyclinic
Polyclinic in the municipality of Plaza de la Revolution. Contains the history, teaching, research, staff, statistics, services, hygiene and epidemiology, seminars, a page dedicated to Che Guevara...
"Puentes Grandes" University Polyclinic
Polyclinic in the municipality of Plazas de la Revolution. Contains information about the university student federation, various departments, continuing educations, events, computers, significant...
2001-2006 STD/HIV/AIDS National Strategic Plan
Report from the Ministry of Public Health.
Against Drugs
An antidrug site. Contains information about various illicit substances and includes alcohol and tobacco.
Art and Medicine
Devoted to art from the Mártires del Corynthia polyclinic. Contains poetry, humor, thoughts about art, scientific curiosities, and recommended websites.
Care in Health
There are articles, news, information about avian flu, links to Traveler’s Health, an article in English about emerging infectious diseases, and other related links. Additionally, there is...
CCRAM: Central American and the Caribbean for a Better Reality for Senior Citizens
Developed to improve the regional interchange and services for senior citizens.
Cuba Revolcuion Social and Public Health 1959-1984
Full text of the book by José Ramón Ruiz Hernández.
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