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Polyclinic in the community of Aguacate, in the municipality of Madruga. Contains their services, teaching, research, news and more.
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Polyclinic located in Vedado. Contains news, related links, services, research, program, medical conditions, telephone directory, and much more.
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Polyclinic in the municipality of Plaza de la Revolution. Contains the history, teaching, research, staff, statistics, services, hygiene and epidemiology, seminars, a page dedicated to Che Guevara...
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Polyclinic in the municipality of Plazas de la Revolution. Contains information about the university student federation, various departments, continuing educations, events, computers, significant...
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There are articles, news, information about avian flu, links to Traveler’s Health, an article in English about emerging infectious diseases, and other related links. Additionally, there is...
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