Mental Health Center
Provides information about the various treatments, specialists, accommodations, facilities, and recreational activities available.Also available in English.
Municipal Medical Science Information Center
Medical information center for the municipality of Cotorro. Has a directory of medical centers around the country. Also contains courses and events.
National Center for Genetic Medicine
Contains continuing education information, various programs available, news, ethics, and genetic centers around the country. There are related links.
National Center for Health Promotion and Education (CNPES)
Contains information on a wide range of topics related to heallth education including food health, sexual health, nursing, dental care, vector control, traditional and alternative medicine, AIDS, and...
National Center for Prevention of STD/HIV/AIDS
An AIDS and other sexual disease prevention center. From the National Center for Health Education and Promotion.
National Center for Sex Education
A research and educational institution regarding human sexuality. Contains their services, mission, news,a list of specialists, courses, publications, history, and a special section about sexual...
National Control Center of Medical Equipment (CCEEM)
Contains regulatory documents, manufacturers, product alerts, prices for evaluation and certification, and more. Parts are available in English.
National Coordinating Center for Clinical Trials
Workshops and conferences are listed. There are also related links as well as statistics about the trials. Also available in English.
National Reference and Research Laboratory in Tuberculosis and Mycobacteria
Has information about courses, and research related to tuberculosis, viral infections, vector control, and dengue. Part of the "Pedro Kouri" Institute.
Placential Cell Therapy Center
Research and production institution dedicated to medications, cosmetics, diagnostics, and nutrients derived from human placenta. Also available in English.
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