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Medical information center for the municipality of Cotorro. Has a directory of medical centers around the country. Also contains courses and events.
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Contains continuing education information, various programs available, news, ethics, and genetic centers around the country. There are related links.
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Contains information on a wide range of topics related to heallth education including food health, sexual health, nursing, dental care, vector control, traditional and alternative medicine, AIDS, and...
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A research and educational institution regarding human sexuality. Contains their services, mission, news,a list of specialists, courses, publications, history, and a special section about sexual...
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Contains regulatory documents, manufacturers, product alerts, prices for evaluation and certification, and more. Parts are available in English.
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Workshops and conferences are listed. There are also related links as well as statistics about the trials. Also available in English.
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Has information about courses, and research related to tuberculosis, viral infections, vector control, and dengue. Part of the "Pedro Kouri" Institute.
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