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An opthamalic center specializing in the diagnosis of ocular diseases and especially in the treatment of Retinitis pigmentosa. In addition, contains information about myopia, astigmatism, cataracts,...
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Contains information about the mission, objectives, results, courses, research, the university extension, and current publications. Part of the General Calixto García School of Medical Sciences.
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Contains information about research, production, quality, animal research center, clinical trials, photos, related links, and more. There is also information about best practices regarding the use of...
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Contains general information about their services, various projects, courses and events, results dating back to 1993, publications, international collaboration, policies regarding quality, research...
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Contains information about continuing education, research, events, and publications. Searchable.
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Regulatory authority for medicines. Provides the history, services, pharmacological alerts, contact information for licenses and regulations, laws and resolutions, publications, and more.
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There is a national formulary of medicines. Additionally, there are continuing education classes, research, regulations, a thearpeutic guide, prescription control, publications, and more.
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