Pinar del Río Journal of Medical Sciences
Archived back to 1998. Index and abstracts also in English. From the "Dr. Ernesto Che Guevara de la Serna" School of Medicine.
Regulatory Scope
Official organ of the Center for National Control of the Quality of Medicines (CECMED)contains the release of new regulations and laws. Archived back to issue no. 1, 2000.
Archived from 1996-2001. From 2002 incorporated into Cuban Journal of General Integrative Medicine. Abstracts medical articles from the international press.
SaluCo Newsletter
From the Cuban Society of Public Health, the Cuban Chapter of the Network and Health Collective of the Latin American Associaton of Social Medicine (ALAMES). Archived from issue no.1, 2002.
Scientific Information Journal
Archived for 1997 only. From the provincial information center, the medical school, and the provincial council of scientific information for Guantánamo.