History of Matanzas Province
Contains population and area of each municipality as well as descriptive information. There is information about the first car, steamship, film, and train in Cuba. Searchable.
Identity of the Capital
About the 15 municipalities that make up Havana.Includes their symbols, history, patriots, noteworthy buildings, monuments and more. Also available in English.
Isabela from Sagua
Includes current and historical articles and photographs of the municipality of Sagua la Grande, Villa Clara.
José Martí
Published in honor of José Martí's 150th birthday. Contains articles previously published in Bohemia Magazine, a biography, caricatures, photos of his birthplace, full text of his works, and more.
José Martí: Anniversary of His Birth
A large collection of articles by and about José Martí. In English only.
José Martí: His Thought
Contains questions about Martí, a time line, photos, and quotes on various topics.
José Martí; the Story of an Universal Man
Contains information about his life, work, thoughts, views of Martí by other significant individuals, a book dedicated to his son, a gallery of images, and information about the Moncada.
July 26th, Victorious Daybreak
Contains the history of the July 26th movement in Pinar del Río, brief biographies of martyrs from the province, as well as other historic events in Cuba. There is information about the youth...
Kidnapped in Miami
Articles and photographs about the case of Elián González, the child kidnapped in Florida. Also available in English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and German.
La Angerona Coffee Plantation; Historic Slavery Museum
Slavery museum which contains the history of a coffee plantation in Havana province from the 19th century. It includes maps, history, statistics, biographical information, the cemetery, visitors,...
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