40th Anniversary of the Literacy Campaign
Contains articles about the roots of the campaign, the campaign itself, significant people, images, music related to literacy, speeches, and more.
Avileña Handicraft
From the municipal branch of the university in Majagua about continuint education of teaching and learning crafts. Contains the history, glossary, a gallery, related links, contact information and...
Catalog of Instructional Software
Contains various educational software for children developed by the Ministry of Education.
A joint project from the students from the mining institute in Moa and the local extension branch of the university and families of the area. Contains objectives, values,news, what they do, projects,...
Education in Cuba: The Infinite Campaign
Contains a history of the literacy campaign, a chronology, milestones, documents, statistics, photos, programs, quotes, and more. There are related links.
Education in Cuba: the Infinite Campaign
Information about education in Cuba. Contains a chronology, the literacy campaign, programs, solidarity, documents, figures, dates, and photographs and images. There are also related links.
Education in Cuba: the Infinite Campaign
Information about education in Cuba. Contains a chronology, the literacy campaign, programs, solidarity, documents, figures, dates, and photographs and images. There are also related links.
About education in the municipality of Jobabo in Las Tunas. Contains their history, mission, organization, statistics, and its impact. Additionally, there is information about preschools, teaching...
Listening Lab
Site developed by student Yuleidi Llanes Molina as part of her final paper. Designed for beginning students learning English. Contains word of the day, knowledge news, quotes, quizzes, songs, jokes,...
Maraguán Artistic Group
Amateur dance group made up by both students and faulty at the University in Camagüey. Contains their history, events, awards, pieces and video. Searchable.
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