45 anniversary
From the National Information Center for Medical Sciences celebration their 45th year. Contains quotes by several workers, history of the center, photos,and more. Searchable.
CLAMED Latin American Center of Disaster
Contains scientific literature, databases, and terminology. Part of the Virtual Library. Searchable.
CMI Newsletters
Newsletters from the medical information center in Varadero. Eight issues are available, six issues of an AIDS newsletter, and several from other municipalities in Matanzas.
List of New Acquisitions
New books and magazines at the Provincial Information Center at the medical school in Matanzas. Archived back to 2005.
Methodological Folder
Information for health care workers about various aspects of medicine From the Public Health System. Searchable.
National Medical Library of Cuba
Their catalog and databases are available online. A variety of scientific literature is available in several databases including those for medical literature and journals, natural and traditional...
Provincial Information Center for Mayabeque
Contains the history, function, a directory of the clinics in the city, and bibliographies of some of the reference books held in the library including the full text of a glossary of deceptive words....
Provincial Medical Science Information Center for Matanzas
Portal of medical information for the province. Contains their history, services offered, new acquisitions, and a section on medical ethics. There is a directory of medical libraries in the province....
Scientific Electronic Library Online
An electronic library of scientific articles. Searchable by author, subject, title or other fields.. Also available in English and Portuguese.
Vajardo Virtual University of Health
Educational resources in the health sciences. Contains courses, various local networks, and information on various subjects. Searchable.
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