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Publisher is Solways
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11th congress on food science and technology. Contains the organizing committee, history, topics, presentation of papers, pre and post conference activities, program, related events, housing,...
José Martí Congress
Third international conference about José Martí's impact on the world on his 160th anniversary of his birth. Contains information ahout registration, and housing as well as the program. Sponsored...
Portal of Congresses, Events, Fairs and Festivals in Cuba
A listing of events organized and searchable by dates and topics of conventions and other events. Also contains hotels by province and a guide to the country. Also available in English.
Ethnomedicine, Natural Medicine
18th International Congress about natural medicine. Contains the invitation, sponsorship, organizing committee, topics, program, conferences, awards, registration, hotels, general information FAQs,...
ColacMarCuba 2009
8th Congress of Ocean Sciences. Contains the invitation, organizers, toics, program, workshops, registration information, hotels, and more. Also available in English and Portuguese.
International Ballet Festival of Havana
Contains the announcement, sponsorship, program, courses, hotels, Alicia Alonso and the festival, news, chronology, venues, guests, photos, a guide to Cuba, FAQ, and the ability to make reservations....
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